Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughts for Today: Barnes and Noble and Bearful Bear, Friends at Last...

Congratulations to you, Anna.  Great book by a great gal.

Thoughts for Today: Barnes and Noble and Bearful Bear, Friends at Last...: Excitement is one way to put it.  Thrilled is another.  Oh yes, I am pleased to announce that Barnes and Noble has picked up "Bearful Bear a...

Friday, August 3, 2012

What Ryan Lochte Can Teach Us about Blogging

Excellent tips about pacing, practice, refueling  . . . and some good information about Ryan Lochte too.   A great combo blog.

Thoughts for Today: "Bearful Bear and his new Moves" Teaser Trailer an...

Thoughts for Today: "Bearful Bear and his new Moves" Teaser Trailer an...: I awoke this morning to an email from my BQB marketing manager, the fantabulous Julie Breedlove, with an adorable teaser trailer for my chil...

Cute trailer for an super sweet author and book.  Your kids will love it, seriously.  You'll even be joining in, I bet!